Numerical range

In the mathematical field of linear algebra and convex analysis, the numerical range of a square matrix with complex entries is a subset of the complex plane associated to the matrix. If A is an n × n matrix with complex entries, then the numerical range of A is the set

W(A) = \left\{\frac{\mathbf{x}^*A\mathbf{x}}{\mathbf{x}^*\mathbf{x}} \mid \mathbf{x}\in\mathbb{C}^n,\ x\not=0\right\}

where x* denotes the Hermitian adjoint of the vector x. In other words, it is the range of the Rayleigh quotient. The numerical range is also called the field of values.[1]


Numerical radius

In a way analogous to spectral radius, the numerical radius of an operator T on a complex Hilbert space, denoted by w(T), is defined by

w(T) = \sup \{ |\lambda|�: \lambda \in W(T) \} = \sup_{\|x\|=1} |\langle Tx, x \rangle|.

w is then a norm. It is equivalent to the operator norm by the inequality:

2^{-1} \| T \| \le w(T) \le \| T \|

Paul Halmos conjectured:

w(T^n) \le w(T)^n

for every integer n > 0. It was later confirmed by Charles Berger and Carl Pearcy.[2]

Some theorems

The Hausdorff–Toeplitz theorem states that the numerical range of any matrix is a convex set.[3] Furthermore, the spectrum of A is contained within the closure of W(A).[4] If A is a normal matrix, then the numerical range is the polygon in the complex plane whose vertices are eigenvalues of A.[5] In particular, if A is Hermitian then the polygon reduces to the segment of the real axis bounded by the smallest and the largest eigenvalue,

W(A) \ = \  [\lambda_{\rm min}, \  \lambda_{\rm max} ]

which explains the name numerical range. If A is not normal, then a weaker property holds: any "corner" of the numerical range is an eigenvalue of A. Here, the precise definition of a "corner" is that of a sharp point: a point w on the boundary of a set SC is called a sharp point of S if there exist two angles θ1 and θ2 with 0 ≤ θ1 < θ2 < 2π such that for all zS and for all θ ∈ (θ1, θ2) the inequality Re eiθw ≥ Re eiθz holds.[6]

Bounded operators on a Hilbert space

If the closure of the numerical range of a bounded operator coincides with the convex hull of its spectrum, then it is called a convexoid operator. An example of such an operator is a normal operator.

Special cases


See also


  1. ^ Horn & Johnson (1991, Definition 1.1.1)
  2. ^ Lax, Linear algebra and its applications, 2nd ed.
  3. ^ Horn & Johnson (1991, Property 1.2.2)
  4. ^ Horn & Johnson (1991, Property 1.2.6)
  5. ^ Horn & Johnson (1991, Property 1.2.9)
  6. ^ Horn & Johnson (1991, Theorem 1.6.3)
